3531 Nevada Ave N
New Hope, MN 55427

Hydroduct 220 Drainboard

220 has been specially developed to provide a simple and highly practical collector and deflector of unwanted ground water on foundation walls, retaining walls, tunnels and planters. It can be used with PREPRUFE®, PROCOR®, or BITUTHENE® waterproof membranes. When installed it protects the membrane from damage and minimizes the build-up of percolated surface water against the structure. The construction of the studded sheet also creates an air void to isolate the structure from the effects of the surrounding ground.

HYDRODUCT® 220 is designed primarily for use with waterproofing materials in vertical installations.

HYDRODUCT® 220 has been specially developed to provide a simple and highly practical collector and deflector of unwanted ground water on foundation walls, retaining walls, tunnels and planters. It can be used with PREPRUFE®, PROCOR®, or BITUTHENE® waterproof membranes. When installed it protects the membrane from damage and minimizes the build-up of percolated surface water against the structure. The construction of the studded sheet also creates an air void to isolate the structure from the effects of the surrounding ground.

HYDRODUCT® 220 has been designed to withstand ground pressures and the compaction forces of wet concrete to maintain a high water flow capacity. The drainage sheet must be connected into the site drainage system to minimize hydrostatic build-up and collect infiltrated water using HYDRODUCT® Coil 600 or traditional perforated pipes wrapped and linked with the geotextile filter fabric to prevent clogging

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Sizes Available

3' x 67'

Tech Sheet